This Terms and Conditions is part of the Rental Agreement entered into between the cardholder and the person taking possession of the Vehicle (hereinafter jointly referred to as “the Hirer”) and A Rentals NZ Ltd (herein referred to as “the Owner”). It is hereby agreed as follows, 本条款是租赁协议的一部分,由信用卡持卡人和车辆使用者(统称为“租车人”)同A Rentals NZ Ltd(统称为“车行”)签署,双方达成如下协议:


(a) The Hirer shall ensure that all reasonable care is taken in handling and parking the Vehicle and that it is left securely locked when not in use. 租车人应确保对车辆采取所有合理爱护,不使用时应安全上锁。

(b) The Hirer shall ensure that the recommended levels are maintained with respect to the water in the radiator and battery of the Vehicle, the oil and the tyre pressures of the Vehicle. 租车人应确保散热器中的水、车辆电池、油及胎压均在建议水平。

(c) Consumption of food and beverage, smoking and animals are not permitted in the Vehicle at any time. 车内不允许餐饮、吸烟或带入动物。

(d) It is the Hirer’s responsibility to be aware of and act in compliance with all the New Zealand Transport Agency rules and regulations. 租车人有责任知晓并遵守新西兰交通局的所有法规。

(e) The child restraint law stipulates that children under 7 years of age must be properly restrained in an approved child restraint. It is the Hirer’s responsibility to ensure the child restraint is installed correctly in the Vehicle. 儿童保障法要求低于7岁的儿童必须使用儿童安全设备(安全座椅或增高垫等),租车人有责任确保正确使用安全设备。

(f) The Hirer is responsible for the cost of fuel used during the hire. The Vehicle should be returned with a full tank. If the Hirer elects to take the fuel purchase option at the start of the hire, no refund is made for remaining fuel on return of the Vehicle. 租车人自付油费,满油取满油还,如果租车人提前购买一箱油服务,还车时即使油有剩余不予退款。

(g) For a defect, mechanical failure of the Vehicle or any new damage to the Vehicle or its accessories or spare parts, the Hirer must notify the Owner of full circumstances of the damage as soon as practical but within a maximum of 12 hours. All necessary paper work required by the Owner must be completed by the Hirer before the termination of the hire. 车辆及其配件发生任何故障或损坏,租车人必须及时通知车行,并在租赁结束前完成车行要求的相关材料。

(h) The Hirer shall ensure that a copy of this agreement is kept in the Vehicle and all drivers’ licences should be carried throughout the term of the hire. 租车人应确保本协议放置在车辆中,并随身携带驾照 。

(i)The Hirer must not assign, sublet or hire the Vehicle to any other person, use or permit the Vehicle to be used for carriage of passengers. 租车人不得将车辆转租其他人,或使用及允许车辆营运载客。

(j)The Hirer must not operate the Vehicle or allow it to be operated to tow or propel any other vehicle, except any luggage trailer supplied by the Owner. 租车人不得用该车辆拖拽或助推其他车辆。


(a) The Owner shall supply the Vehicle in a safe and roadworthy condition, up to current Certificate of Fitness standards. 车行应提供安全的、可以正常行驶的车辆,且该车辆达到车检标准。


(a) The Owner provides 24hr roadside assistance. 车行提供24小时道路救援协助。

(b) Mechanical breakdowns are covered by the Owner’s relevant Roadside Assistance program and include engine faults, electrical faults, starter motor and radiator problems. 机械故障由车行承担费用,包括引擎故障、电路及散热器问题等。

(c) Non-Mechanical breakdowns are at the Hirer’s expense  and include, wheels and tyres, lock out, lost keys, flat batteries, a breakdown as a result of damage caused in an accident, including salvage. 非机械故障由租车人承担相关费用,包括缺油、轮毂和轮胎、钥匙锁在车内或丢失、电池没电、由事故导致的故障和救援等。

(d) If warning lights appear in the Vehicle, the driver must cease driving as soon as practical and contact the Owner immediately. 如果车内警示灯亮起,应立即停车,联系车行。

(e) If the Vehicle becomes unfit to drive due to a breakdown that was not the fault of the Hirer, the Owner will refund to the Hirer the rental charges that relate to the period during which the car could not be used. The Owner will undertake to arrange the repair or replacement with another vehicle as soon as practical. 如车辆因非租车人引起的故障而不适于驾驶,车行将退还车辆故障期间的费用,并尽快安排修理或替换。

(f) The Hirer is not permitted to instruct any person to interfere with any mechanical aspect of the Vehicle including, but not limited to, the distance recorder, speedometer, engine, transmission, braking or suspension systems of the Vehicle. 租车人不得让任何人干预车辆的任何机械数据,如里程、速度计、引擎、变速器、刹车、悬挂系统等。

(g) In the event of an accident or new damage the Hirer must: 发生事故或新伤时,租车人必须:

1. Notify the Owner of the full circumstances as soon as practical. 尽快告知车行所有信息。

2. Notify the NZ Police and request they attend the scene to determine liability if necessary. 如有必要则告知新西兰警方并请其现场鉴定责任。

3. Where possible, take some photos of the accident site and the damaged vehicles. 拍摄事故现场及受损车辆照片。

4. If the police could not attend, call into the Police Station to report the accident and obtain a report. 如果警察无法前往,则向警局报告事故并索取事故报告。

5. The Hirer must not make any admission of liability. 租车人不得擅自揽责。

6. Complete the forms provided in the Rental Agreement folder to record the full details of all parties including witnesses and the vehicles involved in the accident along with the Hirer’s written statement and diagram of the accident circumstances. 完成本协议附带的封皮中的事故报告表格,填入所有相关信息,并记录事故经过。

7. Contact the Owner and make arrangements to complete the necessary insurance documents which must be completed before the end of the hire period specified in this agreement. 联系车行并在租赁结束日之前安排完成必要的保险材料。

(h) Damage includes any damage to third party property, damage to the rented vehicle including tyres, windscreens, towing and recovery costs, theft, fire, break-in or vandalism. 损伤包括任何对第三方财产及所租赁的车辆造成的损伤,包括轮胎、挡风玻璃、拖车和修复费用、偷盗、火灾、入侵或故意破坏等。

(i) The Hirer’s assistance maybe required if liability is being disputed by the at fault party, which means you may be required to attend a disputes tribunal hearing in person or via telephone conference. 如果对责任判定有争议,则租车人可能会被要求参加听证会。

(j) The Hirer shall not arrange or undertake any repairs without the Owner’s prior authority except to salvage the Vehicle to prevent further damage to the Vehicle or to other property. If the Hirer has to pay to salvage the Vehicle, the Hirer must inform the Owner within a maximum 12 hour period or forfeit the right to seek reimbursement of the salvage costs. 除了进行挽救措施以避免更大损失,租车人在进行任何修理前必须获得车行同意。务必在12小时内告知车行任何修理花销,否则无法获得报销。

(k) If any repairs are required whereby the Owner has authorised them, but the Hirer is not liable for the repairs, the Hirer will be reimbursed once the invoice or receipts have been provided to the Owner. 如果车行要求租车人修理非租车人原因产生故障的车辆,车行在收到修理费用的收据后予以报销。

(l) If the Vehicle is rendered unfit to drive after an accident, the Owner is not obliged to make any refund for the unused hire period (including Excess Reduction (ER) payment if applicable) and the provision of a replacement vehicle shall be at the Owner’s sole discretion. 如果车辆在经历事故后不适于驾驶,车行没有义务对未使用的租期进行任何退款(包括保险),车行决定是否给予更换车辆。


(a) The Hirer is liable for: 租车人承担如下责任:

1. Any loss of, or damage to the Vehicle and its accessories and any accessories on hire; 对车辆和其配件造成的任何损坏或损失;

2. Any consequential damage, loss or costs incurred by the Owner, including salvage costs, loss of ability to re-hire and loss of revenue. 对车行造成的任何间接损失,包括救援费、耽误租赁费等;

3. Any loss of, or damage to vehicles and property of third parties, arising during the term of hire. 对第三方车辆和财产造成的任何损失。

(b) The Hirer agrees to release and indemnify the Owner and its employees and agents from and against all actions, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, expenses, harm or other misadventure which the Hirer may suffer or incur or become liable for as a result of the use or misuse of the Vehicle. 租车人同意在租赁期间,租车人由于自身原因遭受任何索赔、损失、花销等,与车行和其员工及代理无关。


The Owner’s rental fleet is insured under a policy of motor vehicle insurance from a company licenced to carry on insurance business in New Zealand under the Insurance Prudential Supervision Act 2010 and is subject to the Insurance Exclusions. 车行为车辆从新西兰保险公司购买了机动车保险,但请注意保险不含的情况。

(a) The rental fee includes basic Insurance with Excess Fee.车辆租金包含了含有起赔额的基本保险。

(b) If there is Damage, theft of the Vehicle or Third Party Loss for each separate claim,  must pay up to the Excess Fee shown in the Rental Agreement. 如果车辆发生损伤、被盗或造成第三者损失, 租车人需要承担本合同中标注的起赔额以内的费用。

(c) The Hirer may purchase ER to reduce the Basic Insurance Excess and bond payable by the Hirer under the Owners’ insurance cover. ER cannot be purchased for only a portion of the rental period. 租车人可以购买额外保险,以降低基本保险的起赔额和押金,但不可以只为部分租期购买额外保险。

(d) The Hirer’s liability is covered by the Owner’s insurance to a maximum of NZD1,000,000. 该保险最高保额为1百万纽币。

(e) In the event a vehicle is replaced the insurance is not transferable to the replacement vehicle. 保险不可转移到替换的车辆上。

(f) The Hirer’s liability for damage applies in respect of each separate accident or new damage, not each rental. 租车人对每次事故或新损伤承担赔偿责任,而不是每次租赁。

(g) During the hire period, ER can only be used once for the damage that has occurred first. Once the ER is used the Insurance Excess reverts to Basic Insurance Excess. Also the additional benefits of ER no longer apply. 额外保险仅可用于第一次车辆事故,然后保险起赔额将恢复至基本险的起赔额,同时额外保险的其它利益将不存在。

(h) The Hire’s Insurance Excess is applicable regardless of who is at fault and must be paid at the time the accident is reported, not at the completion of the rental. The Hirer’s Insurance Excess will be refunded only if the Owner is successful in recovering the full cost of the damages from the third party. Please note that third party claims can take months to resolve. 事故发生时,不论是责任方,租车人的保险起赔额将被收取,车行在成功向第三方索取所有费用后才予以退款,请注意向第三方索赔可能花费数月。


The following clauses are not covered by the Owner’s insurance policy and/or ER, therefore the Hirer is fully liable for all costs. 如下情形不包含在车行提供的保险或租车人购买的额外险中,租车人负责产生的所有费用。

(a) The driver is under the influence of alcohol or any drug that affects their ability to drive the Vehicle. 驾驶员酒驾或受药物影响。

(b) The Vehicle is in an unsafe or un-roadworthy condition that arose during the hire and that caused or contributed to the damage or loss, and the Hirer or driver was aware or ought to have been aware of the unsafe or un-roadworthy condition of the Vehicle. 租车人或驾驶员已经意识到或应该意识到车辆处于不安全或不适宜行驶的状况,但依然驾驶而造成的损坏。

(c) The Vehicle is driven by any person not named in this Rental Agreement. 该车辆由非本协议授权的驾驶员驾驶。

(d) The Vehicle is operated by any person who at the time drives the Vehicle is disqualified from holding or has never held a driver’s licence appropriate for the Vehicle. 驾驶员不具备有效驾照。

(e) The Vehicle including its accessories and spare parts is wilfully or recklessly damaged or lost due to wilful or reckless behaviour by the Hirer, including but not limited to damage to tyres, rims, burning out a clutch and any damage arising from using the Vehicle to propel any other vehicle. 车辆及其配件由于租车人故意或鲁莽造成的损失。

(f) The Vehicle is operated on any of the following roads: Ball Hutt Road (Mt Cook), Skippers Road (Queenstown), Ninety Mile Beach (Northland), all roads north of Colville (Coromandel Peninsula), or any unformed road including any beach. 车辆在以上路段或任何未铺设的路面或沙滩上行驶。

(g) At any time when the Vehicle was operated beyond the term of the Rental Agreement or authorised extension of the term. 驾驶车辆在非协议规定的期间或车行授权的延时期间。

(h) The authorised drivers, or a person under the Hirer’s authority or control commits a driving offence while driving the Vehicle. 驾驶员驾车时违反交通法规。

(i) At any time when the Vehicle is loaded or is being loaded in excess of the manufacturer’s specifications. 车辆超过规定载重量及人数。

(j) The Vehicle, property or any other vehicle is damaged in circumstances which are illegal in New Zealand. 车辆或财物在任何非法情况下受损。

(k) The Vehicle including its accessories and spare parts is damaged as a result of submersion in water, including crossing creeks, rivers, flooded fords, salt water or on beaches. 车辆及配件由于浸入水中造成的损伤,包括涉水及在沙滩上行驶。

(l) The Vehicle including its accessories and spare parts is damaged as a result of incorrect fitting or use of other items or by any item carried inside or outside the Vehicle. 车辆及配件由于不正确安装或使用其它物品或搬运其他物品进出车辆而造成的损伤。

(m) Continuing to drive the Vehicle if a warning light appears causing more damage to the Vehicle. 当车内警示灯亮起时依然继续驾驶车辆。

(o) Costs to replace keys which have been lost or the retrieval of keys which have been locked inside the Vehicle. 更换丢失的钥匙或从锁住的车中取出钥匙的费用。

(p) Hirer’s personal belongings are not covered. 租车人的个人物品。

(q) The incorrect filling of fluid or fuel tanks. 加错车辆的油或液。

(r) Grooming fee if the Vehicle is returned in an excessively dirty condition that requires extra cleaning or deodorising. 还车时因车辆极其脏乱或异味过重而产生的清洁费。

(s) Any underbody damage and or recovery of the Vehicle which has become bogged or immovable due to off roading of the Vehicle. 任何底盘损伤,及因行驶在非正常路面而陷入泥沼或无法移动而产生的救援费用。

(t) Loss or damage to any accessories on hire. 丢失或损坏任何租赁的配件。

(u) Any roof damage due to entering low laying buildings or objects with height restrictions or by standing on the roof is a failure by the

Hirer. 任何由于驶入限高的建筑或站在车顶而造成的顶棚损伤。

(v) Failure to advise of an accident or new damage and complete the relevant claim forms prior to the termination of the hire. 在还车之前没有告知事故或新伤及完成相关保险索赔表格。

(w) Operating the Vehicle or allow it to be operated in any race, speed test, rally or contest. 让车辆参与任何比赛、速度测试或游行。

(X) Damage to the Vehicle’s windows, wheels or tyres. 车辆的玻璃、轮毂或轮胎的损坏。


All transactions under this agreement are conducted in New Zealand dollars and 2% credit card fee will be charged. Due to exchange rate fluctuations and bank charges there may be variance between amounts charged and amounts refunded to the Hirer’s credit card. The Owner accepts no liability for any such variations. 本协议中的所有交易单位均是新西兰元,使用信用卡时收取2%手续费。由于汇率及银行手续费,可能会导致实际到账与原则费用间的差异,车行对此不负责任。

(a) The Hirer shall pay the Owner the agreed sum prior to pick up or on pick up. 租车人应于取车之前或取车时支付约定的款项。

(b) The Hirer is liable for any damage or missing accessories. The replacement cost will be based on current retail replacement value at the time of loss. 租车人对配件损失负全责,更换费用以损坏或丢失时的价值为准。

(d) In addition to the payment specified in this Agreement, the Hirer acknowledges that they shall be liable to pay the Owner any applicable additional fees these include, but are not limited to: 除了本协议规定的费用外,租车人还应向车行支付如下等费用:

1. NZD25 Admin fee per Traffic Infringement notice in addition to the penalty.:in the event the Owner receives an infringement notice of a speeding, parking or other traffic infringement relating to the period the vehcile was on hire, the Owenr will pay the oustanding fess on behalf of the hirer and an administration fee of %25 will be charged per infringement in addition to the infringement fee.


2. NZD25 Admin fee per Toll notice in addition to the toll costs: In the event that the owner receives an unpaid toll notice relating to the period the vehilce was on hire, the Owner will pay outstanding toll fees on behalf of the hirer and an adminstriation fee of $25 will be charged per notice in addtion to the toll fees.


3. NZD25 Refuelling fee plus the cost of fuel if the Vehicle is returned not full. 还车时如油箱未满,除了补交油费还收取服务费25新西兰元。

4. NZD500 penalty in addition to the current daily rental rate if any unauthorised extensions. 未经车行授权而延时还车,除了每天的租金外,还收取罚金500新西兰元。

5. NZD500-NZD1000 relocation fee for dropping off to a different location. 如果将车还到非本协议规定的地点,则收取异地还车费500至1000新西兰元。

6. NZD500 surcharge for failure to advise of an accident or new damage prior to the termination of the hire. 如在还车前未告知事故或新伤,则收取额外费用500新西兰元。

7. Minimum NZD2000 Water/sand damage fee in addition to any other costs if the Vehicle including its accessories and spare parts is damaged as a result of submersion in any water. 如果车辆及配件浸水了,除了相关修理费,还收取至少2000新西兰元的罚金。

8. Minimum NZD200 grooming fee for vehicle’s interior if consumption of food, beverage, smoking and or bringing animals in the Vehicle, and or the Vehicle is returned in an excessively dirty condition that requires extra cleaning or deodorising. 如果在车内餐饮、吸烟或带入动物,或车辆极其脏乱,则收取最少200新西兰元的清洁费。

9. One way hire fees may apply for rental car hires picking up and returning at different branches. 异地还车费会根据取还车情况收取。

(f) A final audit will be used to identify any additonal charges after the Vehicle is returned and the Hirer has consented to this by signing this Rental Agreement. The Hirer expressly and irrevocably authorises the Owner to deduct all charges determined by the Owner in its sole discretion to be payable under this Rental Agreement from the Hirer’s credit card. 还车后,车行将进行最终审计,以确定是否有其他额外费用,租车人同意此举。且租车人授权车行从其信用卡中收取本协议规定的相关费用。

8. BOND 押金

(a) A bond will be taken from the Hirer’s credit card on pick up according to the excess fee of the insurance in the Rental Agreement. 租车人取车时将被收取本协议中约定的保险起赔额作为押金。

(b)The Bond is payable by credit card only. In the event of an accident the Bond will be charged in full immediately regardless of fault. 押金只可用信用卡支付,当发生事故后,不论过错方押金都会扣留。

(c) The bond is fully refundable provided the Vehicle is returned on time to the correct location clean and tidy, undamaged and with a full fuel tank (unless the hirer has a pre-purchased fuel option). However the Owner reserves the right to bank the bond after the termination of the rental period to cover the cost of un-notified infringements or damage to third party vehicles or their property. 只要还车时车辆被还到了指定地点、整洁干净、无损伤且加满油,则押金可退。但车行有权在租期结束后扣留押金,以支付未告知的罚单或对第三方车辆或财产造成的损失。

(d) As insurance is not compulsory in New Zealand there is no guarantee that damage to the Vehicle by a third party will be recovered. Any damages caused to the Vehicle by a third-party which are unable to be recovered by reasonable means will be deducted from the Bond. 新西兰并无车辆强制险,所以车行无法保证追回由第三方造成的损伤。如果无法从第三方得到赔偿,车行将会从租车人的押金中扣除相应费用。

(e) A bond shall be taken for each accident. In the event of a replacement vehicle being dispatched, the bond will revert to the Basic Insurance Excess irrespective of the purchase of ER. 每次事故后会重新计算并收取押金。如果替换了车辆,即使购买了额外保险,起赔额也恢复至基本险起赔额。


(a) The first hour of late return is free, thereafter a full day’s hire fee applies. 延迟还车的第一小时免费,之后按照一天费用计算。

(b) Extentions of the hire are subject to availability and must be requested at least 72 hours prior to the original drop off date on the Rental Agreement, where possible the Owner will oblige. Failure to comply will result in a minimum unauthorised extension fee of up to NZD500 in addition to the current daily rental rate. 延期还车应在协议规定还车日的72小时前提出,车行决定是否给予延期。如果未能提前告知,则除了正常的租金,还会收取500新西兰元的罚金。

(c) The Owner reserves the right to charge a relocation fee of from NZD500 to NZD1000 if the Vehicle has been returned to a different location than what was agreed. 如果车辆被还至非约定地点,车行有权收取异地还车费500至1000新西兰元。

(d) The Owner shall have the right to terminate the Agreement and repossess the Vehicle at any time, without notification to the Hirer, and the Hirer will pay reasonable costs of repossessing the Vehicle, including towing charges, in any of the following circumstances: 车行有权随时终止协议并召回车辆,且不用告知租车人,租车人承担因此产生的费用,包括拖车费等,这种情况的前提如下:

1. The Hirer is in breach of any material term of this agreement. 租车人违反本协议的任何条款。

2. The Hirer has obtained the Vehicle through fraud or misrepresentation. 租车人通过欺骗获得车辆。

3. The payment for the rental is in arrears. 租车人未按时缴费。

4. The Vehicle appears to be abandoned. 车辆被遗弃。

5. The Vehicle is not returned on the agreed return date. 车辆未按照约定时间归还。

6. The Vehicle is damaged. 车辆被损坏。

7. The Owner considers, on reasonable grounds, that the Vehicle is endangered. 基于合理判断,车行认为车辆处于危险。

In the event of such termination or repossession the Hirer has no right to a refund of any part of the rental charges. The termination of the hire under this clause shall be without prejudice to the other rights of the Owner under this agreement or otherwise. 终止协议或召回车辆时,租车人无权要求任何退费,且此种情况不会影响本协议中车行的其他权益。

(e) If the Vehicle is returned outside of business hours(MON-FRI 0930-1800, SAT 1000-1600), the Vehicle remains the sole responsibility of the Hirer until normal business hours resume. 如果在正常营业时间(周一到周五 0930-1800, 周六1000-1600)以外归还车辆,租车人依然应对这期间车辆的任何损伤负责,直到车行正常营业。

(f) If the Owner thinks it is not appropriate to conduct the inspection and check when the Hirer returns the Vehicle, including but not limited to time, weather condition, vehicle cleanlines, the inspection and check will be conducted when it is appropriate and the Vehicle remains the sole responsibility of the Hirer.  如果车行认为租车人还车时的时间、天气状况、车身清洁度等不适宜进行检车,则将会在情况适宜时进行检车,租车人将对期间车辆状况负责。

(g) Rental Vehicle Checklist signed by the Hirer, photos of the Vehicle took when pick up/return the Vehicle and stored in Wechat or other APP will be deemed as proof when the Owner checks whether there are new damages caused by the Hirer. 租车人签署的检车单、取还车拍摄并储存在微信或其他软件中的车辆照片将被作为车行确认是否有新伤产生的依据。

(h) The Owner will provide the Repair Invoice for the new damage caused by the Hirer and the Hirer has no right to question, ask the Owner to provide different invoices to compare the price or require to use his own invoice. 车损修理费用以车行的修车报价单为准,租车人不得提出质疑、要求多方报价或自行报价。


(a) Booking should be made by credit card(visa or master) of the Hirer. 预订需要通过租车人的信用卡。

(b) The Owner will supply the Vehicle or similar to the Hirer and does not gurantee the brand of the Vehicle until the day of picking up. 车行提供预订的车辆或其同车型租车辆给租车人,在取车日之前不承诺车辆品牌。

(c) Free if cancel the booking 3 days or more prior to pick up. 取车3天及之前取消,免费。

(d) 50% of the total rental fee will be charged from Hirer’s credit card if cancelation is within 7 days prior to pick up. 取车前3天内取消,将从租车人的信用卡中扣除车费的50%。

(e) The total rental fee will be charged from Hirer’s credit card if cancelation is on the day of picking up. 取车日取消,车费将从租车人的信用卡中扣除车费的100%。

(f) Should the Hirer return the Vehicle and accessories out of reasons that is not caused by the Owner prior to the expiry of the hire term, the Hirer will not be entitled to a refund. 如果租车人因非车行原因提前还车或配件,没有退款。

(g)Should the hirer decide to voluntarily downgrade their vehicle type from the category booked, they will not be entitled to a refund. 如果租车人自愿降级车辆类型,没有退款。

(h)The Hirer is subject to a 5% or minimum NZD10 admin fee deducted from the refunded amount due to credit card fees the Owner is subjected to. 由于信用卡等相关手续费,车行将从退款中扣除5%或最低10新西兰元的管理费。

(i) If the Hirer makes the booking through a third party, like a car rental website, the cancelation policy will be subject to the website. 如果租车人从第三方平台预定车行的车辆,则按照该平台的退改政策。


The Hirer agrees that the Owner will collect, hold and use the Hirer’s personal information for purposes related to the hire of the Vehicle and the provision of related customer services and such personal information may be disclosed to debt collection agencies, or other parties involved in an accident with the Vehicle while on hire to the Hirer; or any organisations responsible for the processing or handling of traffic related infringements. 租车人同意车行收集及使用他们的个人信息,用于租赁车辆和相关的客户服务,以及开放给催款公司、其他事故当事方及任何处理交通罚款等相关部门。